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Rapid File Renamer Overview

As you can tell by its name, Rapid File Renamer is used to rename files. However, you may ask the question why use Rapid File Renamer when you can rename files manually? Of course, if you need to rename one or two dozens files, then you can rename files manually with a little time and effort. But what if you have hundreds and thousands of files to rename? Then you cannot do without Rapid File Renamer as it allows you to easily rename a large number of files in seconds.

Main window Current version: 3.0
Release date: May 09, 2016
System requirements: Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10


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If you need to archive digital photos, collect music, or work as a webmaster, and have to process a lot of files, then this tool is extremely useful.
For example, if you deal with digital photos, you are sure to have a large collection of files such as these:

and so on.

But these filenames are not very informative and, of course, it is better to rename them as something more relevant:


If you are a webmaster, then it is essential to fix the letter case of filenames before uploading them to the web server.
If you work extensively with the Internet, saving various web pages and images to the disk, then you may accumulate a large number of files with a host of names. Because a lot of these names are completely uninformative, Rapid File Renamer helps you to organize the files by renaming them using a more descriptive naming convention. In most cases, a file name will need to be changed into something more understandable and include a counter at the end of the name. For more complicated requirements, the program can rename files according to a large number of rules.

Rapid File Renamer will help you to achieve renaming in just a couple of clicks.

Main features: 

    User-friendly interface
    Processing files in subdirectories
    Visual designer for new filenames
    Extensive renaming features
    System folder warning

Features in detail: 

User-friendly interface
The interface has been primarily designed to make clear the sequence the program should be operated in. There are not too many settings in the program and it is easy to use. Unlike many other similar programs, Rapid File Renamer does not freeze while renaming files and responds to user actions. In addition, you can view the progress of the renaming process every step of the way.

Processing files in subdirectories
When you select a folder, you can also specify whether files in subdirectories should be renamed.

Visual designer for new filenames
This simple designer allows you to visually specify the contents and in what order the new file name must be configured.

Extensive renaming features
Here are some examples of what you can do with Rapid File Renamer:

    Generate filenames based on the name of the parent folder.
    Add a counter anywhere in the name.
    Number files independently in each directory.
    Replace or remove unnecessary characters, word parts or whole word combinations.
    Fix the letter case.
    Independently process extensions.
    Add dates to filenames.
    Number files based on how they are sorted.

Before you actually start renaming files, you can view how the new filenames will appear. This preview capability allows you to decide whether you have specified the renaming rules correctly.

In case you make a mistake or just do not like the end result, Rapid File Renamer allows you to undo the operation and give files the original names prior to renaming.

System folder warning
Rapid File Renamer signals a warning if you are trying to rename files in a folder that is important to your operating system. This helps you avoid accidentally damaging system files.

You can try it all right now!

Download the 30-day trial version of Rapid File Renamer for free.


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Latest news


May 09, 2016

Version 3.0 is released:
More fast, more stable, more convenient.
The user interface has been completely redesigned.
Lots of fixes and improvements, new features.
This version is free for all registered users of earlier versions of Rapid File Renamer.

August 05, 2009

Version 2.01 is released.

June 23, 2009

Version 2.0 is released.

February 18, 2008

Version 1.0 is released.


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